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December 11, 2019 1 min read 1 Comment

Sarah Ford is our founder and creative director. She is a San Angelo, Texas native, former Marine officer, and Harvard Business School grad. Through Ranch Road Boots, she hopes to inspire people to be honest with themselves and embrace total freedom of expression.
Sarah served in Iraq, Afghanistan and 29 Palms and proudly gives back to those who serve by donating proceeds to the Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund. 


Let's get to know her a little better.


"Daddy Tom" and little Sarah


Did you know: Sarah used to participate in triathlons with her dad and sister from a young age (no wonder she was fit to be a Marine!).


Sarah Ford - U.S. Marine

"I chopped all my hair off when I joIned the USMC because I read how you have to fix it in 60 seconds with no bobby pins showing and was like that's impossible!!"


Sarah Ford - U.S. Marine Officer

Sarah and other Marine counterparts while on tour in Iraq.


Sarah Ford The Founder of  Ranch Road Boots

"Just another day at the office -- yes, that's a beer keg next to my desk."

1 Response

Mark Vorzimmer
Mark Vorzimmer

January 27, 2020

Just bought a pair, based on your entire presentation and what look to be some real quality boots … and, BTW, I’m from Texas (living out in California). If these are as half as good as I think they’ll be, I’ll be promoting you out here!

Best, Mark

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